@shinamer's profile

Template from @lvjnsl

To Akechi..
We might not be close, but you were one of the first friends I made in 7th grade. Thank you for being there, and for helping me open up. I wouldn't be here without you, Akechi ⋆。°✩

To Ari..
I'm glad we could be friends again! I missed you little man, and although I might not say it much, you're awesome, intelligent, and you always crack me up! ⋆。°✩

To Daisy..
Here's to a new school year! I'm so glad to have been friends for so long, and I'm super excited to talk to you more after school! ⋆。°✩

To Darcy..
All of us miss you so much, Darcy! It isn't the same without you, and I hope you can visit soon :( ⋆。°✩

To Star..
Even if we barely have classes together, you still always manage to brighten up my day! I'm always so excited for lunch so I can make stupid jokes with you :3 ⋆。°✩

To Azul..
You're my best friend! You're creative and hilarious, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. You're more important than you realize, my friend, I love you, you're the bestest friend I could've ever asked for. I really miss you, and I hope you can come back soon !! ⋆。°✩

To Cody..
We haven't been talking for long, but it's still a pleasure to talk during lunch! I love talking about Fear and Hunger and I look forward to playing it (if my phone even lets me)⋆。°✩

To Indigo..
Even if we can't see each other one-on-one that much, I still love our stupid conversations online. Missing you every day, buddy, visit soon! ⋆。°✩

To Oliver..
You inspire me daily, Oliver. Not only are you hilarious, you've been with me through thick and thin, and I wish I could thank you every day for it. I aspire to have even a fraction of your intelligence or creativity one day. Wherever you go, you're going to go far. ⋆。°✩

To Yuno..
Even with your little quirks and fortnite addiction, you're the best friend I could ask for. We've been friends for around a year, but it feels like I've known you for forever. You manage to turn the worst days into the best just by hanging around. ⋆。°✩